четверг, 19 июля 2012 г.

видеонаблюдение и пожарная сигнализация

видеонаблюдение и пожарная сигнализация

Exclusive Interview: Bryan Jerden on Trailer Sound Design

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:41 AM PDT

For quite a few years, sound design for trailers has become increasingly creative and interesting. For blockbusters in Hollywood, an imaginative trailer campaign seems to be more and more important and sound is quite often utilized in inspired and inspiring ways.

One of the top sound designers of Hollywood trailers is Bryan Jerden who has worked on prominent movie trailers such as Prometheus, The Dark Knight Rises, Harry Potter, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Inception, among many others. Bryan has also done a large amount of game trailers including titles like Hitman, Syndicate and Dragons Dogma. In this interview, he talks about his background, creative methods, the interplay between music and sound and why silence is such an important tool for sound designers.

Designing Sound: How did you get involved in doing sound design for trailers?

Bryan Jerden: My work in the trailer world came as result from working for Tim Gedemer who is now the owner of Source Sound Inc. A little more than 10 years ago I started working with Tim as a sound editor and studio technician. It was a great match for me because I had spent almost 10 years prior to that as a sound engineer and music mixer recording rock bands. Tim is an accomplished guitar player as well as a real music guy so we hit it off in a way I could not have done with someone who was purely a post sound personality.

Right away I was attracted to trailers because I saw it as a mixed skill set. I liked the fact that it involved working directly with music. I loved that it had opportunities for designing sound, that it involved skillful sound editing, working with feature film tracks, dialogue and other disciplines all in the same package.

Sound design became a passion for me, something I just loved to do. When I could I would listen to other sound designers tracks always trying to figure out the different processes. When I was on editing jobs I would always sneak in my own designs just to see if they would stick. If I didn't have enough time to do my editing job and try sound design, Tim would let me come in and try stuff out on my own and if he like it he would keep it.

In the last several years creating sound design and cutting sound effects for trailers and even video game cinematics have become my life, but with that there is always the inevitable music editorial and dialogue work.

DS: How do you usually get hired for a trailer and how is the workflow – do you have a meeting with the trailer's director or picture editor to map out the ideas for sound?

BJ: Different trailers from different studios have different protocols. The process of getting feature film trailers out into the public is really a collaborative effort involving everything from movie directors, studio creatives, video editors, picture finishers and a sound team. Pulling a trailer together and being a part of the sound finishing is very much a client service.

It is generally the job of the studios to map out the concepts of the trailer. Once the studio has constructed a cut, I use it as a kind of road map on where to work with the music and how to take it to the theatrical realm.

I have worked in certain situations where it is my job to pick the music and edit it to the final picture, but that usually happens on the video game side.

Overall the processes for accomplishing the trailer soundtrack are very much as they are in the feature film world, just at a smaller scale with a faster turn around.

DS: To me, it seems like sound design for trailers nowadays is often more playful than in feature films. Do you feel that the way sound is utilized in trailers has changed during the years?

BJ: Trailers have become a distinct form of media and really have come quite a long way. Today we have itunes, youtube, websites dedicated to video game trailers, venues like Comicon and E3 and they are all packed with trailers and featurettes and I am constantly amazed on how many hits some trailers get on the web. There are just so many avenues for viewers now. No longer are the days when trailers are just shoved in front of a movie at a low level and mixed in stereo (although that still happens) but with all the other places to experience trailers in full volume, it is no wonder that they have taken on a whole new life. As a result trailers have definitely changed in terms of how much care gets put into them and by what the public expects to see and hear in a good trailer.

DS: How much collaboration do you have with the sound team on the movie you're doing a trailer for?

BJ: In some instances the feature film audio plays a huge role in the final trailer. Prometheus is a prime example of that. We had the pleasure of using the feature film audio in many of the signature sound effect moments. In that instance you have to be well versed in working with feature film audio and that part of the job comes down to just being a good editor.

Often trailers are constructed without feature film sound effects and you literally have to make everything. One of the big reasons for this is the duration and tempo of trailers. They are normally under 2:30 with lots of picture cuts that are all dictated by the rhythm and tempo of a score or piece of music. Movies are long and have plenty of time to tell their sonic story, but trailers have to get that point across quickly, so the audio in a movie and the audio in a trailer may be totally different.

DS: What's your usual schedule for a big budget trailer – both sound editing and sound mixing?

BJ: It may seem odd but all trailers big and small have no real standard on a timescale. I have worked on some very big and complex trailers that had to be delivered to the mix stage with in a 24 hour time frame and I have worked on some smaller trailers where I am given a week. In general most trailers can be mixed within a day or two. I am lucky in the sense that most of the mixers that pull these trailers together are the very best in the business. It is extremely important to delivery a highly organized session that is laid out in a way that mixers like to see. Having a background in mixing I work with them closely through out the entire process to ensure everyone is comfortable and that there is zero confusion.

The over all goal to getting a trailer done is to get it approved by those that are creatively in charge, after all it is their trailer and it is my job to make them happy. Sometimes there are quite a few people in the kitchen and it takes time, but ultimately that is the goal.

DS: In the trailers for Prometheus, Inception and The Dark Knight Rises there's a wonderful use of silence, which makes the trailers much more dynamic and effective. Could you talk about how you approach this part of the sound design?

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BJ: The use of silence can be a dramatic effect if it is done well and not used in a cliché fashion. The use of silence is such a strong statement that it really needs to be well thought out and implemented into the trailer conceptually at the picture editorial level. One technique that I think is effective is to include the sound effects where you want the "silent" dramatic moment, but then mix them very low, processing elements through filters and delay. Having certain sound effects and dialogue ring out more prominently in the soundscape is a great way to create a very dramatic feeling.

DS: Do you have any tips or tricks for doing sound for trailers? Do you use the sub or surrounds in special ways to give the trailer special impact?

BJ: I guess the first piece of advice for doing trailers it is to know how to work with the rhythm and pitch of music. Trailers are driven by music and you don't want your sound effects to clash with it. Try and time your effects so that they land in time with the beat of the music. Also watch out for tonal sound effects that are out of key with the music.

The use of sub is another dimension to the soundscape you cannot ignore. You can use it to add impact, or you can use it to create suspense or even just give body and weight to the other sound effects.

One of the great gifts of the sub is that it does not have an effect on the TASA meters. TASA (Trailer Audio Standards Association) is an audio standard for motion picture trailer volume and it measures sound levels at specific frequencies. The "standard" aims to control the amount of frequencies that are irritating to the audience and can be dangerous if they are played too loudly. One example would be the sound of breaking glass. A sound like this can easily be both annoying and damaging to the ear if it is too loud. Trailers, in an effort to get the attention of the audience, were being mixed louder and louder over the years, so the standard was implemented. Sub frequencies do not have the same effect on the ear as breaking glass frequencies therefore TASA allows them to be mixed louder for longer durations of time.

The LFE (Low Frequency Effect) or sub is a great tool to use. I recommend all aspiring sound designers learn how to use it, design with it and make it an overall part of your workflow.

DS: Trailers seem to be very much about the rhythm, tonality and musicality of the effect sounds. Do you use a more musical approach when doing sound design on a trailer than on a feature film?

BJ: Absolutely! Making your sound effects work with the score is key. Trailers are like a machine all with parts that have to work together. There is the picture and the visual content and it is edited to the rhythm of the music. There is the dialogue, which tells the story and is backed up by the tonality and the feeling that the music provides. There are sound designed music effects, which are meant to add to and enhance the music. Finally the you have the sound effects and they too have to work with the music. Everything has to work with the music and if any one part of it gets in the way of that, the trailer falls apart.

DS: Where do you generally pick up the inspiration for the work you do?

BJ: The main thing that completely inspires me, are people. When you are in the trenches of a project and people are rising to do their best, from the picture finishers, to the supervisors all the way down to every editor.

Other kinds of people inspire me too. These are people who teach, who lead, who create, who work hard and who have a passion that keeps me hooked everyday. People like Tim Gedemer who is amazing to work for. Tim has been a great friend, a great teacher and a very big inspiration to me. Charles Deenen has been a big inspiration and again a great teacher. Paul Menichini, Dave Farmer and Ann Scibelli are all very inspiring people that I am lucky enough to have gotten to know a bit. My friend Michael Babcock has been an inspiration. He is another one who has taught me so much and has really accomplished a lot with his career. Lastly I have to mention Tom Brewer who I learned a lot from in the beginning of my career at Source Sound. Tom continues to be a good friend and an inspiration. All of these people inspire me with their knowledge, dedication and hard work.

DS: What are your favorite trailers, both among your own work and in general?

BJ: One thing I will say about working on favorite trailer projects is that some of them have definitely been video game trailers! Recently I worked on the video game trailer Hitman: Absolution "Saints" and I think that one turned out well. It was is a highly stylized trailer that had some really great visuals and a really cool concept. Video game trailers tend to be more adventurous in terms of their willingness to explore and it often makes for some very cool content.

In the feature trailer world I have worked on some that I am fond of for different reasons. Some of them are for movie franchises that I am proud to be apart of like The Dark Knight and Harry Potter. Those trailers always have amazing music, stunning visuals and lots of opportunity for great sound.

Some movie trailers are great experiences because of the directors associated with the feature films. For instance any time I work on a trailer that is a Tim Burton film I know it is going to be a great experience. His films are consistently creative, well crafted and seem to run very smoothly as long as you bring your best. Another director that comes to mind is Clint Eastwood film. Again his films always have well recorded dialogue, amazing music and great visuals.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Prometheus was great in terms of the opportunities for sound and for the life of trailer campaign. There were quite a few trailers to do through out the life of the campaign including featurette reels, showcase reels and teasers. In many of the trailers for Prometheus we were able to use the feature film sound effects and they were completely inspiring to hear, it was a real honor to have worked on that project.

Украинская компания впервые выйдет на российскую биржу

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:12 AM PDT

Первое публичное размещение акций украинской компании на бирже ММВБ-РТС может произойти еще до конца 2012 года. Представителям регуляторов удалось договориться об этом в ходе переговоров в Москве. Пилотный проект кросс-листинга подразумевает котирование ценных бумаг эмитента на площадках двух стран.

Немецкие депутаты объединились в защиту религиозного обрезания

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:18 AM PDT

Депутаты трех немецких парламентских фракций подписали резолюцию в защиту религиозного обрезания мальчиков. Они требуют от правительства принять закон, разрешающий медикам проводить подобные операции по просьбе родителей. Кельнский суд признал обрезание мальчиков незаконным, чем вызвал возмущение евреев и мусульман.

Спиральная структура ранней галактики озадачила астрономов

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:12 AM PDT

Астрономы обнаружили раннюю галактику, чье спиральное строение не соответствует современным представлениям о формировании звездных скоплений. Считается, что такая структура характерна только для галактик поздней вселенной, когда относительные скорости звезд в скоплениях падают.

В НАО главврача посадили за аферу с томографами

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:11 AM PDT

В Ненецком автономном округе вынесен приговор бывшему главному врачу Ненецкой окружной больницы Наталье Мелконьян и бывшей главе московской фирмы Ларисе Душаткиной, признанным виновными в афере с закупкой томографа. Врача приговорили к 5,5 годам колонии, а предпринимательнцу - к шести годам колонии и штрафу.

Нужен ключ для Mipko Employee Monitor

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:03 AM PDT

Здравствуйте. Нужен ключ для Mipko Employee Monitor 7 или Mipko Personal Monitor 7. Версия 6 есть, но она не видит интернет соединение через Firefox. Заранее спасибо.

Ночная тусовка / Sleepover (2004)

Posted: 18 Jul 2012 11:47 PM PDT

Ночная тусовка / Sleepover (2004)

Информация о фильме
Название: Ночная тусовка
Оригинальное название: Sleepover
Год выхода: 2004
Жанр: Комедия
Режиссер: Джо Нуссбаум
В ролях: Алекса Вега, Мика Бурем, Джейн Линч, Сэм Хантингтон, Сара Пэкстон, Бри Ларсон, Скаут Тэйлор-Комптон, Дуглас Смит, Катя Певек, Стив Карелл, Джефф Гарлин, Кэлли Флинн Чайлдресс, Эйлин Эйприл Бойлэн, Ивэн Питерс, Хантер Пэрриш

О фильме:
После окончания 8 класса и в преддверии высшей школы четыре девчонки решили устроить ночную вечеринку в доме одной из них. Это мероприятие под контролем бдительной мамы превращается в настоящее событие, которое запомнится девчонкам на всю жизнь, с безумной поездкой на папином автомобиле по барам и прочим интересным местам. Довольная мама при этом даже не подозревает, что девочки покинули дом…

Страна: США, Metro Goldwyn Mayer
Продолжительность: 01:29:27
Перевод: Профессиональный, многоголосый

Формат: AVI (XviD)
Качество: DVDRip
Видео: 592x320, 955 kbps
Аудио: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch)
Размер: 784mb

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[Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут видеть ссылки. Зарегистрироваться...]

В Татарстане ранен главный муфтий республики

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:04 AM PDT

Муфтий Татарстана Илдус Файзов ранен, а его заместитель Валиулла Якупов погиб в результате взрыва автомобиля. Руководитель аппарата Духовного управления мусульман (ДУМ) Татарстана Ришат Хамидуллин заявил, что машину муфтия взорвали, а в самого муфтия стреляли. В МЧС сказали только, что машина муфтия загорелась на ходу.

Дик Адвокат отчитался перед РФС

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:04 AM PDT

Бывший главный тренер сборной России по футболу Дик Адвокат отчитался перед Российским футбольным союзом (РФС) о выступлении национальной команды на чемпионате Европы 2012 года и о других матчах сборной под его руководством. Об этом рассказал спортивный директор РФС Николай Писарев.

"Газпром" решил закупать газ в Брунее

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:02 AM PDT

Российская газовая монополия "Газпром" решила закупать сжиженный природный газ в Брунее. Закупки газа с проекта Brunei LNG планируется начать после 2013 года. Таким образом "Газпром" собирается обеспечить спрос азиатских партнеров в том случае, если собственных ресурсов газовой монополии не хватит.

Робби Уильямс устроил мини-концерт в режиме онлайн

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:05 AM PDT

Робби Уильямс дал импровизированный мини-концерт для своего собеседника в видеочате Chatroulette. Зрителем стал студент Адам Хоуаби из английского графства Эссекс. По словам Адама, он был очень удивлен, "встретив" поп-звезду в чате. Уильямс исполнил для Адамаса фрагмент композиции, которая называется "Losers".

Re: Командировочные расходы

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 01:04 AM PDT

Цитата: Олег К
Цитата: Дядя Федор
подрядчик расчитывается с субподрядчиком после получения денег заказчика
Сейчас эта фраза в д...

сборник цен 2010 на проектные работы беларусь

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:56 AM PDT

интерисует очень сборник цен актуальный на работы по оформлению земельно-кдастровой документации в РБ. Спасибо

Re: Расчет звукового давления

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:43 AM PDT

Конкретизируйте вопрос. Сколько оповещателей планируете устанавливать? Сколько в механическом цеху постоянных рабочих мест? Как расположено технологическое оборудование?
Что Вы, собственно подразумеваете под вопросом "как" ? Способ крепления? Места уст...

Re: Слово за словом (еще игра)

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:41 AM PDT

Балконный триллер Смеющийся

Re: Размер зарплаты проектировщика

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:40 AM PDT

Цитата: vad25
т.е. точные науки необходимость думать не предполагают?)
Мыслить широко хочется  Веселый

Крупные банки начинают экономить

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:24 AM PDT

Крупные международные финансовые организации готовятся к масштабным сокращениям штата, как в сфере банковских услуг, так и в сфере трейдинга для того, сообщает издание The Wall Street Journal.

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Как завоевать покупателя? 9 трендов мирового ритейла

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:32 AM PDT

Розничная торговля переживает период крупномасштабных изменений. Все ее игроки, от гипермаркетов до небольших специализированных магазинов и онлайновых продавцов, пытаются понять, как идти в ногу с быстроменяющимся рынком.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

В Уфе произошел пожар в частном секторе

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:35 AM PDT

В частном секторе башкирской столицы - в районе улиц Султанова, Аральской и Коммунистической - сгорело шесть жилых домов. Причина столь крупного пожара пока не установлена.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Европейский фондовый рынок растет

Posted: 19 Jul 2012 12:40 AM PDT

Европейские фондовые индексы на открытии прибавляют около 0,3-0,5% благодаря позитивным корпоративным отчетам.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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