суббота, 14 июля 2012 г.

видеонаблюдение и пожарная сигнализация

видеонаблюдение и пожарная сигнализация

Личная просьба к форумчанам :) (0) / Участие в конкурсе

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:13 AM PDT

Уважаемые форумчане!
Мы с женой никогда и ничего не выигрывали и мы решили, ДОКОЛЕ? если счастье есть его надо добиватся, и решили поучаствовать в каком нибудь конкурсе
В связи с этим личная просьба ко всем, помочь нам его выиграть, уделить всего то 2 минутки, зато какой результат!
Голосовать нужно тут:
При регистрации, просьба указать код DWFRGS.
Огромная просьба, после завершения активации подтвердить свой статус РЕАЛ (Тип статуса находится под Вашей фамилией)
Заранее всем огромное-преогромное спасибо

Проше помогите. Сам не могу решить проблему. (0) / Падает FPS

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:11 AM PDT

[more] Где то может 3 может 4 месяца назад сделал апгрейд компа. Ну пришлось поменять проц. , материнку , оперативку. Поставил, вроде все работает. Но еще тогда заметил дефект. В играх (не во всех) на короткое время падает FPS. НУ например играешь в Battlefield 3. Все нормально ничего не лагает, и вдруг в какой то момент фпс падает до 10-20, и через несколько секунд опять возвращается на круги своя. И так происходило не постоянно. Когда комп нагреется эта проблема исчезает. Но вот буквально сегодня поменял видеокарту на новую. Так проблема усугубилась. Компьютер стал греться меньше и проседания кадров теперь уже не пропадают (пробовал на minecraft)

Процессор: Amd Phenom X4 3.2 Ггц
Вентилятор на нем: Обычный кулер от AMD
Материнка: AsRock N68-VS3
Оперативная память: Kingston DDR3 1333 Мгц 4 Гига Одна планка
Блок питания: К сожалению марку не помню. Знаю лишь что он на 600 ватт
Видеокарта MSI R7770 1Gb памяти. Частота гп 1020 Мгц (это та которую я поставил)

Также хочу отметить, что работает он постоянно с открытой крышкой (даже с обоими), так как закрывать боюсь (ведь сейчас лето). Вариант с перегревом можно сразу исключить так как процессор в играх больше 65 градусов не греется, а видеокарта в простое от 44 градусов до 46-47, в играх 50 с чем то вроде. Хотя вот какой то MCP (никогда не понимал что это) греется, что в простое, что в играх на 81 градус.
Где еще читал что надо в биосе отключить Cool'n Quite. Не помогло.

Кают компания • Re: Смена экипажа

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:21 AM PDT

У меня тоже был случай: судно в Китае грузилось металлом на Индию. Я отработал и контракт и плюс 2, а замены не было. Сказали, что возможно будет в Сингапуре, а идти туда были ломы ( я был злой как чёрт: когда уходил меня уверяли, что никаких +2 не будет и в конце мая я буду дома, в июле меня ждали в другой фирме, а уже было начало августа) , да и неизвестно будет ли там замена. Я тогда тоже не знал, что делать и рассматривал вариант - собрать шмутки и сойти на берег, сдаться властям. Как такой вариант? Может прокатить? Замену мне в последний момент, всё-таки прислали.

Извиняюсь за самоцитирование. Я писал об этом в похожей теме, почти год назад. Тогда мне на мой вопрос никто не ответил. Задаю его ещё раз.

Статистика: Добавлено lot55 — Сб июл 14, 2012 8:21 am

B&W, MAN, и их производные • Re: MAN B&W S50MC - фосунка застряла в крышке

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:15 AM PDT

koljan-1987 писал(а):

Перепробовали много чего (((((((
И заливали и тянули и крышку охлаждали до 30. От отчаянья даже тельфером тянули - 3,5 тонны.

Тяжелый случай!!!
Тельфером безполезняк дёргать!!!
Breeze писал(а):

Обьем работы огромный, а результат скорее всего будет нулевой. Там только носик распылителя торчит, который легко ломается. Проще всего джеком вытянуть - проверено

согласен на счет джека, и с объемом работ тоже!!
Иногда бывает с какой нибудь мелочью столько провозишься, что объем работ по демонтажу крышки покажется детской забавой!!
Везде есть свои плюсы и минусы!!! (можно сделать параллельно ревизию втулки, клапана и т.д)
был случай на ZULZER RND76 потекла крышка, шли проливами!!! Два варианта 1 - дернуть вставку , 2 дернуть крышку! Решили дернуть крышку и заменить (объем работы на много больше, чем с вставкой). Сделали , и пошли дальше!!! На стоянке старую крышку решили "располовинить"!!
Что только не делали (и джеки и приспособы ломало) всю стоянку , не удалось разделить. Так в рекондишку и отдали!
Потом просебя думали - правильно сделали что решили заменить крышку сэкономили и силы и время! :)

Статистика: Добавлено wolander — Сб июл 14, 2012 8:15 am

Дипломно-паспортный отдел • Re: Dutch endorsement

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:43 AM PDT

To Whom it may concern

Я сдавал в Роттере про другие места незнаю. Ну а здесь всё было быстро. Приехал утром в STC нашёл нужный кабинет (11 этаж - 11 каб.). Там сидел \скуччал один клерк. Он сделал копию паспорта и посадил за комп в отделном классе. Пользовался своим "талмутом", который ещё раз советую прочитать, и внимательно читать вопросы\ответы. Времени дают 1 час 30 вопросов. Хватает. (Я со своим мандражом управился за 45 минут, ещё раз проверил всё: результат 100%). На этом всё закончилось. Подождал 10 минут, получил очередную "бумашку" и ДАВАЙ ДОСВИДАНИЯ!!! Никаких собеседований у меня небыло, хотя в компании говорили что будет: видно повезло.
Всем Удачи!!!

Статистика: Добавлено SerSin — Сб июл 14, 2012 7:43 am

Морской форум Литвы • Re: Побег от Литовских налогов

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:34 AM PDT

Вариант в Беларуссии попробуй?

Статистика: Добавлено Старый Ворчун — Сб июл 14, 2012 7:34 am

Морской форум Литвы • Re: Побег от Литовских налогов

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:27 AM PDT

Andriuhamex писал(а):

Хочю открыть счёт в России, а именно в Калининграде, с целью чтоб " спрятаться" от литовских налогов. Может кто то уже поступил таким образом? Или же всё таки не стоит в России, а можно и в другой стране?

Я вот открыл себе счёт в оффшоре,в банке у которого в уставе написанно,что никакой 3-ей стороне никакую информацию не выдаёт без согласия вкладчика.Это удовольствие мне стоит около 2% годового оборота средств на счету.Но я думаю,что лучше заплатить.чем держать деньги в той же Латвии.

Статистика: Добавлено Saniok — Сб июл 14, 2012 7:27 am

Брата Ким Чен Ына попросили не критиковать северокорейский режим

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:53 AM PDT

Власти КНДР попросили старшего брата северокорейского лидера Ким Чен Ына воздержаться от критики политического режима страны. Ранее Ким Чен Нам, постоянно проживающий в Макао, предсказывал Северной Корее экономический коллапс и утверждал, что его младший брат является лишь формальным руководителем страны.

Destination Miami - The Miami Club Sound (2012)

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:32 AM PDT

VA - Destination Miami - The Miami Club Sound (2012)

Artist: VA
Title Of Album: Destination Miami - The Miami Club Sound
Year Of Release: July 13, 2012
Label: Play This!
Genre: House
Quality: mp3 | Stereo
Bitrate: 320 kbps | 44.1 Khz
Total Time: 02:09:24
Total Size: 318.65 mb

01. Conga (feat. Lety) [Dany Cohiba Remix] - Francesco Gomez
02. Heat (feat. Watson & Creek) [Sanya Shelest Remix] - Horny United
03. People in da House (Original Mix) - Coqui Selection
04. Las Palmas (Original Mix) - Ruben Amaya
05. Mamaschiba (DJ Monxa & Hever Jara Remix) - Tune Brothers
06. El Mundo (Original Mix) - Mas Flores
07. Crazy Love (Vlada Asanin Remix) - Dada, Rui Da Silva
08. T.H.M (Kid Shakers Remix) - Javi Ortiz, X-Guerrero, Tony Cox
09. Playground (Original Mix) - Gerald Henderson, DJ Haro
10. Feel the Beat (feat. James Neese) [Marty Fame Remix] - Relanium
11. Rock This (Original Mix) - Hever Jara
12. Been a Long Time 2012 (feat. Paula B.) [Original Mix] - Etienne Ozborne
13. The One (Original Mix) - Peter Brown
14. All Over Again (feat. Lardoo) [John De Mark Remix] - Bream, The Henchmen
15. Time Will Tell (feat. Zeke Manyika) [Raul Cremona Remix] - Audiowhores
16. Sundari (Original Mix) - Dave Kurtis
17. The Movement (feat. Jonathan Ulysses) [Reza Remix] - Peter Brown
18. Push the Feeling On (Original Club Mix) - JunkDNA, Kash Trivedi
19. Mambo Mango (Original Mix) - Alexdoparis, Pierre Decastel
20. La Noche (Original Mix) - DJ Fafo


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На бразильских пляжах нашли 500 мертвых пингвинов

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:35 AM PDT

На пляжах южного бразильского штата Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул обнаружены трупы более чем 500 пингвинов. Об этом в ночь на субботу, 14 июля, сообщает Agence France-Presse со ссылкой на местные власти.

Террорист-смертник подорвался на афганской свадьбе

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:31 AM PDT

На севере Афганистана террорист-смертник привел в действие взрывное устройство во время свадебной церемонии, сообщает Reuters. По данным агентства, в результате взрыва погибли не менее 22 человек, еще около 40 получили ранения.


Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:01 AM PDT

Diet pills that work

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

CookTank / Im Reich der Sinne: Sensorik

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Boletim informativo3.doc

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:58 AM PDT

Boletim Informativo da Biblioteca Escolar

Global Commercial Airliner and Regional Aircraft Industry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit, and Forecast Analysis

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:58 AM PDT

Despite economic difficulty, the aerospace industry is proliferating and the global commercialairliner and regional aircraft market is expected to reach approximately US $112 billion in 2017with a CAGR of 5.3% over the next five years. Increasing demand from emerging economies fornew low-cost carriers, deregulation, and rising middle class are factors driving growth in marketssuch as Asia and the Middle East.Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed theGlobal Commercial Airliner and Regional Aircraft market and presents its findings in 'GlobalCommercial Airliner and Regional Aircraft Industry 2012'2017: Trend, Profit, and ForecastAnalysis.'The global commercial and regional aircraft industry consists of commercial airliners and regionalaircraft manufacturers. Industry products are used by airlines (international, domestic, andregional) and governments around the world. The industry is highly consolidated in terms ofsuppliers and buyers.North America dominates this market, but Asia and the Middle East are expected to drivedemand for the global aerospace industry in coming years. The aerospace industry is expectingincreases in the demand of new fleets, especially in the narrow body aircraft segment. Theindustry is facing challenges with aircraft financing and fluctuating oil prices, but the increasing airtraffic rates, emerging economies, and aging fleets are driving the industry. Technologicalchanges due to environmental concerns are also forcing OEMs to improve fuel burn capability ofaircraft and reduce noise level.Lucintel's research indicates that demand for regional aircraft is expected to be greater thancommercial airliners, resulting in a decrease of market share for commercial airliners and anincrease in regional aircraft demand.Lucintel's report provides quantitative and qualitative data analysis of the global commercialairline and regional aircraft market. This study includes manufacturers of commercial airliner andregional aircraft. The report tracks four regions for two segments, commercial airlines andregional aircraft, and tracks eight segments.This comprehensive guide from Lucintel provides readers with valuable information and the toolsneeded to successfully drive critical business decisions with a thorough understanding of themarket's potential. This report will save Lucintel clients hundreds of hours in personal researchtime on a global market and it offers significant benefits in expanding business opportunitiesthroughout the global commercial airliner and regional aircraft industry analysis. In a fast-pacedever-changing world, business leaders need every advantage available to them in a timelymanner to drive change in the market and to stay ahead of their competition. This report providesbusiness leaders with a keen advantage in this regard by making them aware of emerging trendsand demand requirements on an annual basis.

Global Automotive Seat Industry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit and Forecast Analysis

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:58 AM PDT

Globally over the next five years, the automotive seat industry is expected to reach an estimatedUS $66.5 billion in 2017 with a CAGR of 4%. Growth in the APAC region and the BRIC nations isanticipated to drive the industry during the forecast period.Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed theglobal automotive seat industry and presents its findings in 'Global Automotive Seat Industry2012-2017: Trend, Profit, and Forecast Analysis.'The automotive seating industry includes cushion and back frames, slide channels, coverings,pad assemblies, recliner assemblies, and motors. Volatile raw material prices of lead, steel,urethane, and resin, as well as restrictions on the availability of raw materials, energy, andproduct components adversely affected seat suppliers' financial performance in both 2010 and2011. Strong domestic demand in the Russian market and more flexible monetary policies,however, are expected to result in double-digit growth in the BRIC nations in 2012.Lucintel's analysis indicates that the APAC region can be expected to experience robust growthin vehicle demand through 2012 and beyond, mainly driven by China and India. Strong outputrecovery in Japan and Thailand is expected as the automotive sector increases efficiency to fulfillpent-up demand, clear product backlogs, and rebuild inventory in the wake of the naturaldisasters that occurred in 2011.A combination of factors such as currency exchange rate, governmental regulations, fluctuationsin consumer taste and preferences, and safety regulations all impact industry dynamicssignificantly.This study provides an overview of the global automotive seat industry. The report tracks onemarket segment for four regions, North America, Europe, APAC, and Rest of World; thus, it tracksfour segments of the global automotive seat industry. This report is limited to automotive seatmanufacturers that supply end product to vehicle manufacturers. This report does not includeother automotive components such as dashboards or exterior body partsThis comprehensive guide from Lucintel provides readers with valuable information and the toolsneeded to successfully drive critical business decisions with a thorough understanding of themarket's potential. This report can save Lucintel clients hundreds of hours in personal researchtime on a global market. It also offers significant benefits in expanding business opportunitiesthroughout the global automotive seat industry. In a fast-paced ever-changing world, businessleaders need every advantage available to them in a timely manner to drive change in the marketand to stay ahead of their competition. This report provides business leaders with a keenadvantage in this regard by making them aware of emerging trends and demand requirements onan annual basis.

Global Automotive Tire Industry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit and Forecast Analysis

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:58 AM PDT

The global automotive tire industry holds significant opportunities for industry players due tostrong demand for replacement tires and increasing sales of passenger and commercial vehiclesin developing countries. The market is forecast to reach an estimated US $187 billion in 2017 witha CAGR of 4% over the next five years (2012'2017).Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed theglobal automotive tire market and presents its findings in 'Global Automotive Tire Industry2012-2017: Trend, Profit and Forecast Analysis.'Lucintel's research indicates that although volatile raw material prices and higher dependency ofthe suppliers on the OEMs are market challenges, the increasing per capita income in developingnations, population growth, new infrastructural projects, urbanization, increase in middle classpopulation, and the green movement all are expected to drive growth in the industry.In the global automotive tire industry, the passenger car segment is forecast to see the highestgrowth over the next five years. Regionally, APAC is anticipated to experience lead growth duringthe forecast period. APAC is expected to attain the strongest growth in rubber demand through2012, reflecting strength in China, India, Thailand and Vietnam.The global automotive tire market is highly consolidated and consists of passenger car tires,heavy truck ties, and others segments. North America dominates this market with approximately30% of the global total. In 2011, Europe emerged as the highest potential market followed byAPAC and North America. Competition in the global automotive tire industry is high. Acombination of factors such as vehicle sales, government regulations, and environmental factorsimpacts market dynamics significantly.This research report from Lucintel is a cost-effective tool that presents key aspects and providesand overview of the automotive tire industry. The report tracks three market segments for fourregions, NA, Europe, APAC, and ROW; thus, it tracks 12 segments of the global automotive tiremarket.This comprehensive guide from Lucintel provides readers with valuable information and the toolsneeded to successfully drive critical business decisions with a thorough understanding of themarket's potential. This report will save Lucintel clients hundreds of hours in personal researchtime on a global market and it offers significant benefits in expanding business opportunitiesthroughout the global automotive tire industry. In a fast-paced ever-changing world, businessleaders need every advantage available to them in a timely manner to drive change in the marketand to stay ahead of their competition. This report provides business leaders with a keenadvantage in this regard by making them aware of emerging trends and demand requirements onan annual basis.

Global Non-Life Insurance Industry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit, and Forecast Analysis

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:58 AM PDT

The global non-life insurance industry witnessed moderate growth during 2006-2011 and thegrowth momentum is expected to continue, reaching an estimated US $2,500 billion in 2017 witha CAGR of 4.2% over the next five years (2012-2017).Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed theGlobal Non-Life Insurance industry and presents its findings in 'Global Non-Life InsuranceIndustry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit, and Forecast Analysis.'The Non-Life Insurance industry consists of establishments that are primarily engaged in poolingof risk by underwriting insurance and insurance policies that protect policyholders against lossesthat may occur as a result of property damage and liability. The industry is highly fragmented, anda combination of factors such as demographic condition, interest rate fluctuation, increasingcatastrophic events, and government regulations are seen to impact the industry dynamicssignificantly. The sovereign crisis in Europe is also anticipated to have an impact on marketgrowth.Lucintel's research indicates that rapid industrialization and increasing trade volume is anticipatedto encourage the demand of non-life products such as marine insurance, insurance forcatastrophic losses, and insurance for fixed assets. Increasing per capita income in emergingeconomies such as China, India, Mexico, and South Africa is expected to encourage people topurchase vehicles and build homes, creating opportunities for non-life insurance. Although lowinterest rates and sluggish cash flows erode growth, the industry is expected to overcome thechallenge with increasing use of advanced analytics to reduce fraudulent claims and social mediachannels to increase market penetration.This study provides an overview of the global life insurance industry. The report tracks only thenon-life segment for four regions of the global insurance industry. This report includes grosspremium for non-life insurance as market size. Commission and brokerage received by insuranceagents for selling insurance policies is outside the scope of this report.This comprehensive guide from Lucintel provides readers with valuable information and the toolsneeded to successfully drive critical business decisions with a thorough understanding of themarket's potential. This report will save Lucintel clients hundreds of hours in personal researchtime on a global market and it offers significant benefits in expanding business opportunitiesthroughout the global non-life insurance industry. In a fast-paced ever-changing world, businessleaders need every advantage available to them in a timely manner to drive change in the marketand to stay ahead of their competition. This report provides business leaders with a keenadvantage in this regard by making them aware of emerging trends and demand requirements onan annual basis.

Global Home Improvement Retail Industry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit, and Forecast Analysis

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:57 AM PDT

Despite many challenges and pressures in the market, the environment for home improvementretailers is encouraging, and the global home improvement retail market is expected to reach anestimated $1,959 billion in 2017 with a CAGR of 3% over the next five years (2012-2017).Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, has analyzed theglobal home improvement retail industry and presents its findings in 'Global HomeImprovement Retail Industry 2012-2017: Trend, Profit and Forecast Analysis.'The home improvement retail industry is a highly diversified sector and consists of furniture andhome furnishings retail stores such as building materials, garden equipment, supplies dealers,floor coverings, window treatment, and other home furnishing stores.The home improvement market holds immense potential as most of the countries are still notpenetrated. Despite challenges, population growth, mall culture, urbanization, an increase inmiddle class population, and an increase in double income families are expected to drive growthto new horizons.APAC depicts the best growth prospects for retailers in forth coming years with increasingpopulation and consumer demand. Europe is a small market but with increase an in GDP there isgrowth potential. This study provides an overview of the global home improvement retail industry.The report tracks market size for four geographic regions of this market, and is a segment of theGlobal Retail industry.This comprehensive guide from Lucintel provides readers with valuable information and the toolsneeded to successfully drive critical business decisions with a thorough understanding of themarket's potential. This report can save Lucintel clients hundreds of hours in personal researchtime on a global market. It also offers significant benefits in expanding business opportunitiesthroughout the global home improvement retail industry in a fast-paced ever-changing world,business leaders need every advantage available to them in a timely manner to drive change inthe market and to stay ahead of their competition. This report provides business leaders with akeen advantage in this regard by making them aware of emerging trends and demandrequirements on an annual basis.Features and Scope of this Report:To make any investment or strategic decision, adequate and timely information is essential. Thismarket report fulfills this core need. Some of the features of this market report are:· Industry size estimates in US dollar value by regions· Global home improvement retail industry annual trend (2006-2011) and forecast (2012-2017)· Porter's Five Force analysis· New product launch and M&A activity in the industry· Quarterly demand trend (Q1 2010'Q4 2011) and forecast analysis (Q1 2012'Q4 2012)for global home improvement retail industry· Gross and net profit trends in the global home improvement retail industry· Cost structure trends in the global home improvement retail industry as well as by region

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